Procrastinator Dreams

What would it be like to wake up and live
The dream that i dreamed, when i was nothing but a kid?
The fancy cars parked in a garage – size of a house,
dwarfed by the isolated mansion somewhere in the south.
To wake up next to a beautiful woman who is just as smart,
Wet kisses and warm embrace, lost in a passionate romance
And the room just for me decorated with my personality
where I write and find satisfaction with the life I’ve built.

Alas, it is but a dream of a boy who is old but yet to grow
who wakes up each day with a wish but no solid goals;
No motivation just endless wishful thinking
To live an easy life and be the man he’s dreamt of being.

Passion is his friend but action, a mere stranger,
whom he tries to acquaint but he’s doomed for failure
He doesn’t do much but comforts himself about tomorrow
but tomorrow is too tired to come back again, as he has now grown old

In my death bed, I dream again. About the possibilities
that could have been a reality if not for my apathy;
About the life I could’ve had
which was more than just a discouraging fact

But clocks they chime and the bells they toll
signalling my death with no more days to go.

I wake up to a familiar small room.
the walls, they, are dull and the bed small
Another day has  come and I am still young
The dreams – they’re too bold
but I am relieved –
for tomorrow will come.

Doe-eyed beauty

Doe-eyed beauty
Untamed wild heart;
Soul of a gypsy
She loves me, and then she departs.
I try my best, broken but unhinged,
Even the hardest of rocks
Wither eventually to the river
That chips it away slowly.
Left behind I yearn for her love again
Like flowers in the winter
That awaits spring,
Alas, this winter never leaves –
Weathered and broken I live
Knowing that once I loved deeply,
But love
It escaped from me.